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Donations for better quality of life!!!

It is not magic, but for someone with demanding working conditions, a good quality leg can certainly do magic for the individual! Thanks to kind Prosthetists around the world we receive high quality 2:nd hand components that we can give to those who's demand on their prosthetic is high! The two cases below represents two typical scenarios.

1. Mr. Suriyon, a Farmer, insured at his work place, but had his accident outside of work which meant that he had no cover at all. He was brought to us by the Handicap Organization of Phuket. Using donated material, we could provide him with a good quality leg which enabled him to return to work.

Mr. Suriyon, Farmer

Mr, Kittisak who was the victim of a hit and run accident when on his way to work. The remaining leg has severe scarring. The standard leg provided by the government did not work in the hot and humid environment in the kitchen where he works as a cook. Only a few days after returning to work he developed blisters and abrasions on his remaining leg. The donated liner and components enabled him to return to work.

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